Recently, since reading the book "Life to Tell," by Immaculee Ilibagiza, I have been very fascinated with the Rwandan Holocaust. My friends and I decided to watch the movie, "Hotel Rwanda," to get a better grasp of what really occured in 1994. I was absolutely amazed at the amount of violence and corruption between the two rivals; Hutu and Tutsi. There was no mercy. Such hatred between these two groups resulted in millions of innocent lives taken. I could not even fathom how such opposition could possibly be taken to the this extremity in such a short time. It was not just merely killing, but torturing and slaughtering in the most disgustingly, twisted ways imaginable. The part of the movie that left me most unamused and upset was the lack of support from the fellow countries. It was as though the world were watching a bully attack a helpless child, with only the courage to give verbal support. Verbal support was not going to save the millions of lives that were ruthlessly taken. It was action that was most desired, needed, and ironically deprived of. Eventually the rebel army came and help was provided.
The details and acting are very respectable. I enjoyed the overall theme of unconquerable love and bravery. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who would like to educate themselves about this horrible genocide. I hope this movie will strengthen your desire to serve and lift others as it has done so for me.