As a way to break up the monotony of school and work, Nick invited me to join him and his BFF's to camp up in the Uinta Mountains this weekend. Nick and Britton (his roommate) have a "secret lake" that they enjoy near Ruth Lake. So, Nick, Britton, Rico, Tim and I hopped into the car and drove up to the good ole outdoors for a refreshing break from technology (most of these boys work heavily with computers) and the luxuries of Provo.
How to explain this adventure? Think, nerd-fest at an engineer's playground (the pictures will explain everything). Nothing short of typical boy-humor full of potty jokes and Dungeons and Dragons references.
>>>For one who associates camping with girls, braids, testimony meetings, and treats, I was definitely in for a ride.
We had such a great time chatting, fishing (or a good attempt--without the hooks--Rico made a homemade (relatively great!) hook out of his sunglasses and pliers), reading by the campfire, discussing doctrine, snapping photos, naming landmarks after ourselves, trying to stay warm during the night, building furniture, testing science over the lake, and using homemade slingshots to hit squirrels and trees. (don't worry, no animal was injured.)
Nick and I at the lake.
Nick ripped his jeans, so he had to wear his swimsuit the rest of the trip.
What do you get with two computer programers, one engineer and one gym rat?
Behold, the Living Room!
(that's really the name they picked out for this masterpiece.)
We woke up at 5:30am and worked on carving out three wooden seats, followed by the rockcliner (Nick is sitting in^^).
(Ignore my hoodie, it's doing weird things--needless to say, we all looked like orphans)
A temporary tripod for all the pics going on FB^^
Whatever happened to singing "Sip n' Sider" and "The Cutest Boy" while braiding hair and painting buckets to sit on by the fire?
Boys, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.