Thursday, March 3, 2011


My life is bliss. I could end a blogspot with those four words but I will elaborate just a little bit. I have many wonderful experiences to blog about such as the Holocaust Museum experience...I simply need to dedicate more time to a blog post like that one (Do not fret it shall be sooner rather than later). However, I am happy and I need to share a few reasons why.
This week the JC crew is currently experiencing a little thing they like to call finals. This is a bitter sweet experience. Sweet because after next week our work load will decrease dramatically (like 3 classes significant) but bitter because these next few days will be in overdrive. Today was a great, long day of studying. Lately I have been living, eating, and breathing the Old Testament. It is a beautiful book and I am sad I haven’t tried to comprehend it in full detail until now….it is magnificent. Unlike most studying days, this one was glorious. The hours just flew by and I felt content and at peace. All of those the scrambled puzzle pieces separating Jeremiah, Ezra, Isaiah, and 1-2 Kings just came together. Many of the random facts floating aimlessly in my brain from the fields trips also contributed nicely to the geography and stories within the Bible. I love moments like today. I found myself standing up dancing or clapping with joy because I finally understood a principle or relationship among two of the many kings within the kingdoms of Judah and Israel. I hope to always apply this valuable information I am learning now to future experiences in my life. It is valuable and golden. 
Exercise is also becoming more apparent within my life. I slacked off a bit since I have been here but I am beginning to pick it back up again. Running soothes the soul, especially in Jerusalem. It is beautiful and so fun. The JC is planning to participate in a marathon, half marathon, or 10k depending on the ambition and ability. I am so excited, well that is if we can get it passed by the administration. You should see the center now. People who never admitted their hidden passion for running suddenly emerged from their little shell. What? That’s what I thought. Though can you imagine saying, “I ran a marathon in Jerusalem (or any race for that matter)?” I am so stoked. Currently there is a morning crew and night crew.  The people are drastically different within each group as I am sure you can imagine. LOVE IT! The two downsides (I mean if there could be a downside to living in Jerusalem) of running in Jerusalem are the (1)constant hills and (2)the inability to wear shorts. Other than that, golden.  
The things I have learned/thought this past week:
1)Students have to have their google docs. It blows my mind how quickly students begin circulating one of these bad boys for a test.
2) If sleep is a priority, don't bring up cheesy jokes with Sky before bed. She is loaded with the craziest riddles and jokes imaginable.
3) My Arabic teacher, Ayman, is more concerned about my love life than I am. He was trying to set me up with his friend who gets out of prison in two future is looking bright:)
4) I love Rach. Nothing can stop a laughing session with her. Our laughs are beginning to harmonize...creepy, I think not!
5) Sunsets make the whole day worthwhile. I will never get tired of looking out to the Old City just as the sun is emerging or disappearing behind the beautiful horizon.

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