Jordan. It is amazing what a border crossing can do. These past four days have been full of long, sweaty bus rides, pita overdoses, hiking monumental structures, dance parties in random archeological sites, sicknesses spreading like wildfire, a few master suites, and getting whole lot of mauling from little girls. If this trip contained anything it would be surprises. Although I was completely unprepared for what we encountered, I loved every second of it.
The most amazing part of the trip for me was the people. I have never felt so much warmth and love from strangers in my entire life. If anyone is ever lacking self-confidence Jordan is the place to go. All of the people we encountered were so eager to talk to us. Although many of them knew little English, they tried so desperately hard to communicate and create conversation. Teenage girls were among most of the Jordanians we met. For some reason they were there by the hundreds at almost every site we visited. They were smiling, giggling, complimenting, and just being darling in every way possible. It was so fun! With the combination of an all girls home, yws in the JC, and the 60-20 ratio of girls to guys, I could pretty much say I was at home in Jordan. Girls were everywhere.
I can honestly say I am grateful and happy to be alive. Here. At this moment in time. Adventures continue to grow and build upon each other. I am sad to announce our visit here in the Holy Land is coming to an end. The Dead Sea tomorrow is our last field trip of the semester. Words cannot describe my emotions. I am sad, happy, blessed, and overall grateful to have experienced such a wonderful culture, people, academic program, teachers, callings, and personal growth.
Here is a random collection of the many adventures we encountered this past week. Brace yourself for a long post...
Madaba. We stopped at a place with the most beautiful mosaics. |
This is a map of the land I have been experiencing these past four months. |
The one name that popped into my head when I saw this pot was G.G. I remember as a child playing with this same dish set on G.G.'s floor while watching the Great Race. I have never seen a set like this anywhere. Who knew I would find one in Jordan. |
We hiked to a Herodian Fortress. This location is associated to the death of John the Baptist. |
The Nabateans (North Arabians) were the founders of this fantastic city. It was ruled by Aratas IV (9 BC-40 AD). This city was destroyed in one night by an 8 level earthquake.
This behind me is the "Treasury" or as many may know it as the location of Indiana Jones...beautiful! |
My darling roommate Keri and I. She was kind enough to share a headset with me as we toured this "rose red city." |
On our hike to the Monastery. |
I am convinced every field trip always turns into a hike..which I love. We were hiking all over these red rocks, exploring the remains of ancient history. |
The Monastery. |
An example of hidden beauty. A group of students and I hiked to the "high place." Along the way we saw many structures like this hidden within the depths of the red rocks. |
Lauren and I almost to the high place. |
Lauren and I hiked up with some crazy boys whom I absolutely love. This here is Josh, Cami, and AJ. They are all so fun and full of so much energy. One of their biggest hobbies is parkouring. While we were running around, hiking near death drops offs, these boys were attempting to prove of their parkour expertise. This includes twisting, bouncing off walls, pencil jumps-pretty much the more ridiculous one looks the better. |
Exploring the Petra shops turned into a tutorial on how to fold kaffiyehs. |
King Abdullah Mosque. |
It was absolutely beautiful. Plain and simple. Inside on the carpet there were rows and rows of red, rectangular boxes. This pattern is used to help Muslims kneel in a straight line to pray. I thought this was very interesting. |
My girls. We were required to cover every speck of skin as well as our heads.
I love becoming immersed in unfamiliar cultures. |
More girls. |
Some of my most favorite girls on the program. |
In front of the Jabbok River. This river is associated with Jacob who saw God face to face. I am so amazed by the many wonderful sites we get to experience. Our teachers usually read the associated scriptorial reference at the actual site the story takes place. AMAZING! |
The place dates back to the Middle Bronze Age II. It was absolutely gorgeous to see the many ancient ruins still in great condition. |
Victoria (my engaged roommate, soon to be married in less than 8 weeks), Synthia, and I in front of the forum and cardo. |
Ok one of the happiest memories of this whole Jordan trip was in an ancient stadium. This stadium was unlike any we have been to thus far, mainly because it was full of hundreds of teenage Jordanian girls on a field trip. WE entered the stadium and instantly the girls were singing, pounding drums, and clapping. My class of JC students and I stood in the middle of the stadium and began to sing "The Spirit of God." They were so intrigued by us. It was so funny. Then this man brings out his bagpipes and began to play "Praise to the Man." We were all just clapping and singing. Then the drums picked up again and I went over to dance with some darling Muslim girls. They were so excited to teach me their quite difficult dance steps. I loved it. I was in heaven. This moment definitely marks one of the happiest moments in my life. To follow our rockin dance party in an ancient stadium, completely surrounded by young Muslim girls screaming and cheering, it was time for pictures. I have never felt so popular in my entire life and I guarantee I won't ever feel that way again. They were just so kind to me and all the other students. Finally Brother Muhlestein had to come grab me to get me away from this darling crowd of giddy school girls. One word: bliss. |
Love love LOVE these boys.
All the street vendors were selling these little whistles. Naturally all the boys bought one and insisted on playing them constantly....boys will be boys. |
Once again girls rule the world in Jordan. Kissing is definitely part of this warm and welcoming culture. I have never been kissed so much in one day. I felt so much love from these wonderful individuals. If only I could have that much joy and warmth to strangers...the lessons we can learn from the Jordanians. |
Livin the dream. |
On our free time we went to the city mall. It was HUGE! I am positive every store I have ever seen in my life and more could be found in this wonderful place. From a large Walmart to the trendiest European clothing lines- Jordan has got it all. |
Spontaneity at its greatest. We randomly went to an Automobile Museum. I know I am not the biggest car fanatic but wow it was so fascinating. I learned all about V8 and V12s and how the engine works. The boys who I went with were in heaven and trying to touch every car possible. This bad boy behind me is one of the most expensive things I have ever seen. |
Amman Citadel. |
Roman Theatre. The largest one in the Middle East. This is my FAVORITE PICTURE. First off I adore this boy (he has become a fond friend). Second children. I love them. Third I am in heaven in this beautiful place we call Jordan. |
More of the Roman Theatre. |
Common sight. |
Jordan River. |
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