I am now on the home stretch of one of the most defining and incredible experiences of my life. It honestly doesn’t feel like the end…I don’t think it will hit me until I get on the plane in a little over 48 hours. We are all trying to say goodbye to the things that have grown so fond to our hearts. It is hard. However, one thing I like to think and hold onto is the thought that this is not the end but rather it is the beginning. We have experienced things I could not have imagined 5 months ago. We were trained and taught by “the best of the best,” the experts, the cream of the crops in their fields. Now is the time to use what we have been taught. If I have learned anything here, it is the kind of person I want to become. The more I have learned about the Savior, the more I want to reshape my life, priorities, and values. I am grateful for this building stone I will use for the rest of my life.
These past few days the students and I traveled the course of the last week of Christ’s ministry here on this earth. Starting from Palm Sunday (his entrance and recognition as King of Israel) we ventured throughout the city as well as the Mount of Olives to end at the Garden Tomb-Christ’s resurrection. Oh how beautiful it is to be in the city and see the actual sites visited and changed by Christ 2000 years ago.
Yesterday was a wonderful moment for it was the time of Passover. All over the city last night, Jews were in their homes celebrating this symbolic festival. This does not only mean only unleavened bread and bitter herbs for seven more days, but it is a celebration and remembrance of the Exodus, the children of Israel being saved out of the land of Egypt. In celebration to commemorate Christ’s life, we reflected upon the Last Supper. As we looked out upon the Old City, there was a display of a table upon the auditorium floor (similar to the thought of the set up at the time of the Savior) with an arrangement of food used at the meal so many nights ago. We read John 13-17 to get the message Christ illustrated at this sacred and emotional supper. This was the last meal Christ ate with the apostles before he entered the trees of Gethsemane to perform the most matchless sacrifice and act of love known to mankind. It was a really special experience and I am so grateful for these countless opportunities to learn more about the teachings and life of Christ.
Lazarus' Tomb |
Church in Bethphage. This is the beginning of Jesus Christ's journey to his triumphal entry into the city.
This is also where we began the march on Palm Sunday. |
Jesus taught his disciples often in this cave near Dominus Flevit. |
This hallway is full of prayers, it is near the cave (previous pic) depicting prayers in many different languages. |
Dominus Flevit.
This is the site whereJesus sat and wept as he overlooked the Temple Mount.
The church is in the shape of a tear drop representing the tears he shed over the people and the Temple. I try to picture Christ, looking at this sacred mount, knowing that it as well as the people will be destroyed and killed a few years later by the Romans. |
This church possesses the most beautiful view of the Kidron Valley and the Temple Mount. |
Dormission Abbey.
This church commemorates Mary, the mother of Christ as well as many other influential women within the Bible. |
Upper Room. |
Upper Room.
We sang many hymns and learned more about the messages from the Last Supper. |
Saint Peter in Gallicantu. This is the site where Peter denied Christ. |
These are stones Christ must have walked upon after suffering in Gethsemane and being taken by the Romans. We had the most beautiful lesson on the importance of Christ's atoning sacrifice near these steps. |
The "Upper Room Experience." This is what the meal prepared by Peter and John would most likely have looked like. We always see the Last Supper depicted at a table with the Apostles sitting around the table. In reality they would have been laying on their side (left), eating along side the Savior. This is best depicted in the scripture talking about John putting his head on the breast of Jesus. It is a beautiful image and I am grateful we were given a life size view of what that sacred night might have looked like. |
This morning we walked over to the Garden of Gethsemane. We sang a few hymns and read a few scriptures focusing on the atonement. It was wonderful to sit and ponder in the place (or near the place) where the Savior suffered for my sins. The Olive trees are a beautiful, symbolic representation of the pain and suffering Jesus Christ suffered. The process of making olive oil requires the olives to be crushed and then pressed. The color of the olives when crusehd is a dark red color. It is after the olives have been pressed when that beautiful golden yellow oil is produced. This is the oil used for healing. Christ suffered and was stained in his own blood in order to provided us the ability to be healed and perfected. I cannot express my gratitude for this matchless sacrifice for me. I love him and I know the power of the atonement is real. We have the ability to change and become more like Christ if we utilize this gift the Savior so selflessly performed for us that night in Gethsemane. |
Greg and I at the pool of Bethesda. This is the pool of one of the most beautiful miracles performed by the Savior. A man who has been sick for 38 years lay by a pool, unable to get into the healing waters of the pool. "Sir I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool." Jesus responded, "Rise, take up thy bed and walk (John 5:1-8)." Christ is our advocate for the Father. He helps and heals those who cannot heal themselves. This is a beautiful message of peace and comfort for we all need the Savior's healing power in our lives. Whether it may be physical or spiritual, we must rely upon the Savior to truly make something of our lives. |
Church of the Flagellation.
This is the possible site where Jesus was condemned and beaten before he carried the cross to Calvary. |
The Garden Tomb.
"I am the first and the last; I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain; I am your advocate with the Father. Of Him the Prophet (Joseph Smith) also declared: "And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: THAT HE LIVES!" -The Living Christ (The Testimony of the Apostles)
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