so....nick woke up with the idea that he had to buy a beater truck for project flyboard. for those of you who know nick, know, that once he get's something in his little mind, nothing will stop him.
so saturday morning we ventured to payson to check out a truck nick saw on ksl.
this is the truck we found:
we took it out for a little spin; nick found love (well not exactly, but it will be sufficient enough to drive him to and from the lake to board:)
nick is now the proud owner of ____ (the name of this lil guy is yet to be determined)
our saturday:
immediately we drove from payson to the nearest home depot to get screws, paint and sandpaper to doll up (Jeffy-that's my vote for the truck name).
similar to the way sandra bullock was "remade" in miss congeniality, this lil guy had a long way to go...

we, then, took our trucks for a spin to the car wash.

so saturday morning we ventured to payson to check out a truck nick saw on ksl.
this is the truck we found:
we took it out for a little spin; nick found love (well not exactly, but it will be sufficient enough to drive him to and from the lake to board:)
nick is now the proud owner of ____ (the name of this lil guy is yet to be determined)
our saturday:
immediately we drove from payson to the nearest home depot to get screws, paint and sandpaper to doll up (Jeffy-that's my vote for the truck name).
similar to the way sandra bullock was "remade" in miss congeniality, this lil guy had a long way to go...

luckily we did it with happy faces!!!
{getting wet was necessary to deep clean nick's truck--he ended up spraying the entire inside of his car}
after drying the lil guy, we prepared to paint. we used more than a full roll of duct tape to cover the nooks and crannies of his car that he didn't want painted.
then the fun part -- paint. we spray painted his entire car black, flat black. i felt like we were vandalizing private property; i have never spray painted a car before. it was so fun!
of course, it took many layers. we would spray one layer, then go out for a drive.
it wasn't until we were driving around that i realized how ridiculous we looked. the truck looked TERRIBLE -- definitely trash. we stopped during the first and second coat to get a burger. there were two boys in the diner. one boy leaned over to his mom and said, "mom, look at that truck." it was then that the (not so discrete) stares and whispers from this family at nick's hideous, soon-to-be beautiful truck made nick and i realize how ridiculous we were. oh well.
we didn't get very far before it started to rain. the truck is still 2-3 coats away from being finished. but here is the progress of all our hard work.
{the lighting isn't great in this parking garage. this is where we came to avoid the rain}

Love this post. I love the pics. You guys look great with your hats! I can't wait to see Jeffy (if that is his name)