I know this post is a little overdue, but you will have to forgive me for not getting this out in a timely manner--lucky for me, memorial day is not saved for one day. Hopefully, we reflect on our rights and freedoms daily, especially in regards to those who have sacrificed, even their lives, for us.
Everyone wanted to get out of NYC for Memorial Weekend, including us. A friend, Chelsey, and I thought this weekend was the perfect excuse to tour Washington, DC and visit the sites on such a festive holiday--BEST DECISION EVER.
We felt like little nomads carrying our belongings most everywhere we went-- sleeping on floors and stashing our belongings in the Holocaust Museum for Memorial Day. (no one suspected in the slightest)
Friday. Chelsey and I arrived in Washington, DC at 1:30am. We woke Alyse, who was kind enough to allow us to crash on her floor and ended up talking with her for another hour or two into the night. Oh how I missed her.
Saturday we slept in. Then journeyed our way into the city of all cities.
Saturday night we crashed on Brooke's floor. I didn't know Brooke before this trip, but I sure know her now. We-- Chelsey, Brooke and I--had such great conversations walking from monument to monument--as you know a big city=lots of walking.
Here is a collaboration of some of the highlights of the week:
-Hearing about Alyse's love life
-Hearing Brooke's conversion story
-Learning about American history on EVERY corner--ah, I love history
-Walking around the entire Tidal Basin in search of the monuments
-Refusing to go to the bathroom, in an attempt to see as much of the Natural History Museum as possible
-Eating at the Good Stuff--"we welcome every party"
-Being swarmed while viewing the Hope Diamond
-Getting into the National Archives just in time to see the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the Constitution--we are lucky girls
-Feeling frightened by a "creeper" in the Archives
-Watching Ever After in a stranger's house following a long day on our feet
-Being frightened by cats hovering over me in the middle of the night--I do not enjoy them
-Running down buses
-Missing buses:(
-Witnessing Chelsey's outburst, "I love dinosaurs!" while waving her hands back and forth upon entering the dinosaur exhibit in the Natural History Museum
-Eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts for dinner bc everything else was closed
-Experiencing the Holocaust Memorial--period.
-Finding $4 running leggins at the biggest Forever 21 store I've ever seen
-Experiencing the Arlington Cemetery--the BIGGEST cemetery I've ever seen
-Viewing the Changing of the Guard
-Eating the yummiest cookie sandwich (two cookies with ice cream in the middle)
-Stashing our belongings in the church's closet prior to attending a beautiful sacrament meeting
-Visiting with fellow BYU friends at church
-Consuming strawberry cheesecake popsicles
-Waving American flags at the Memorial Day Parade
Lincoln Memorial
A very windy day

The Capitol Building
*no edits were done to this pic.;it is simply that white and breathtaking.
*no edits were done to this pic.;it is simply that white and breathtaking.
WWII Memorial--Utah Represent
Natural History Museum

I couldn't help but think of the Moons in this museum--they would be in heaven.

The White House. This is as close as we could get.

Near the National Archives--the three of us.

Welcome to the Arlington Cemetery

Changing of the Guards

I couldn't help but think of the Moons in this museum--they would be in heaven.

The White House. This is as close as we could get.

Near the National Archives--the three of us.

Welcome to the Arlington Cemetery

Changing of the Guards
The Tidal Basin *Jefferson Memorial in the background
Chelsey, Brooke, and I at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
My favorite picture of the weekend^^
*they had many beautiful, inspirational quotes lining the memorial
My favorite quote:
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."
The Jefferson Memorial
Memorial Day Parade
Brooke--our lovely tour guide for Memorial Day.
"O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life!
America! America!"
-America the Beautiful
I hope I can find an excuse to travel back to this historic place. I left feeling (a) honored to be an American (b) proud that I know the basic history of this land and (c) humbled that I still have so much to learn.
"study the past if you would define the future."
love this. love your summary. love U.S. history. love the picture of you in front of the Jefferson Memorial. I cannot wait to see you in 5 days!!!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE YOUR PICTURES!!! I also LOVE hearing about all your adventures. So fun. You are so great!