Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Many refugees are currently living in refugee camps in various locations across the world to avoid the dangers within their homeland. This camp from the photograph is in southern Lebanon. The camp is called Burj el-Shamali. It is one of the most poverty stricken camps in Lebanon. In 1948, the formation of the state of Israel forced many individuals to leave their homes and settle in this camp. There are more than 20, 000 refugee living within its walls. I would suggest venturing to see more pictures through this given site at the bottom of the page to get a better look at the residing tone of the camp. The homes are made of zinc roofing and have little or no plumbing. The water supply is sparse as well as the overall income.
I remember making forts with my little cousins in my grandma’s yard. These shelters that are housing families are not much more protective or secure than the playhouse we made from random scraps found along the dirt roads in Arizona.
It is so difficult to comprehend the amount of trials these individuals wake up to every day. Though the refugees all started with different histories and backgrounds, they are now connected and forced to live in a degrading lifestyle.
These camps such as Burj el- Shamali contain a wide variety of individuals and families. The elderly in the refugee camps wait patiently to return to their homes, many still possessing the keys to enter. On the other hand many Palestinians have never even been to Palestine because of their life years spent within the camps. However, they all have a similar desire to lead healthy, successful lives. These camps are restricting growth and prosperity among the many citizens who have previously known their rights.

Works Cited:

"Burj el-Shemali Refugee Camp: A Photo Essay." Gallery 2.
Photos du Centre des médias alternatifs du Québec - CMAQ, 2005. Web. 17 Mar. 2010.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Colored Feathers

It was through brown paper turkeys and Elmer's glue that began the foundation of my perception of the first thanksgiving. Throughout the years more information has been contributed to my basic knowledge. It was in American History when I learned more about the mistreatment of the Indian tribes living in America before the English settled.

Many Indians continue to suffer. Although a majority of the Indian culture has been destroyed from America it continues to prosper in Mexico. For two decades the Roman Catholic priest have ralied among the Indian tribes to raise awareness for Liberation. Eventually a rebel army was raised (non of Indian descent) known as the Zapatista Army of Liberation. Since 1994, Mexico has struggled with this divergency among the population.

One unique quality of the Zapatista army is they prefer to be nonviolent. It is more of an awareness battle and struggle to gain more rights and freedoms than to spread violence. This army consists mostly of rural indigenous people. However, there is a wide variety of supporters from urban areas as well.
The affects of discrimination are still influencing the lifestyle of many cultures. It is ironic that we look down on other countries for the way they treat their inhabitants, when in reality that is how we began our settlement in America. The battle for liberty and freedom never ceases to end. As Americans we can learn from the past to help those currently suffering around us.

Works Cited:

Photo by Sebastiao Salgado. "Migrations: Humanity in Transition."
"Zapatista Army of Liberation." Wickipedia. Wikimedia Foundation , 2010. Web. 11 Mar. 2010.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Photograph by Sebastiao Salgado
Joy to me is the sun this week.
Joy is the rejuvinating feeling after a long run.
Joy is blasting Celine's music out the car windows.
Joy is being two days ahead of the homework schedule.
Joy is the smell of nailpolish in the summer breeze on the patio.
Joy is my twin sister and I laughing ourselves to sleep in our wooden bunkbeds.
Joy is my family.
This photograph expresses pure joy in itself. These weary refugees have been dropped off from a camp at Nyaminthuthin to go home. What is home? Many of these young children have grown up in refugee camps their entire lives. Home is that wonderful place mentioned in the stories of their parents. After this bus ride, many will continue their journey home by foot, trucks, and boat across the Zambeze River.
Mozambique is known for its "mobility." This country possesses more than 53 significant border posts linking many landlocked countries such as Zimbabwe and Zambia. This location creates an increasing flow of migration (IOM). The amount of displaced individuals and loneliness is very apparent in such a country as this one. However; some are lucky to experience the journey of traveling home to the joyful memories of the past. The bus ride is just the beginning.
You can never experience joy when you have not known sorrow. Refugees more than anyone know the true meaning of joy!
Works Cited: