Saturday, July 27, 2013


I am back in Utah, as of a few weeks ago. I apologize for not updating my status; I have been living in my head the past few weeks, literally.

Blogging is hard to do when my heart feels heavy and thoughts are on pressing issues; however, I have been learning how to endure things well. I know I can do anything, but doing it well--now that is the hard part. Getting to point B from point A with hope in my heart, intentions to do good, and bravery to continue onward--now we are talking. 

The more I learn about sorrow and depression, the more I see and appreciate the simplicities of life. It is a twisted, interesting concept that may only make sense in my little mind, but I am relearning the value of choosing to be happy. 

i.e. I was feeling heavy and a little discouraged (...a mixture of accounting hw/projects/tests, matters of the heart, feelings of desperation while living as a nomad for a few months just trying to be happy). I was walking back home from an early morning meeting on campus, when I prayed in my heart to feel peace or comfort or anything good for that matter. And that's when I saw it. The most beautiful, pure sight I so desperately needed to see. I felt myself smiling, the smile that comes from deep within your soul. It is a smile I have been longing for, for quite some time. It was a father sitting on a picnic blanket on the grass outside the testing center blowing bubbles at his baby boy. This toddler was reaching for the bubbles near his face with an expression of pure joy. The baby was giggling and looking at his dad with pure admonition and wonderment, like how could such a fun, magical thing come from that little bottle in your hand.

---> It was then that I realized, think like a child. Children are easy to forgive, full of curiosity and love. They want to enjoy every moment, even if there is no apparent reason to feel joy. They give themselves permission to be happy every day. They believe the good things people say to them. They want to share their love and excitement with others. It is no wonder Christ talks so sacredly about the hearts of little children. 

Think how easy it is to become jaded and judgmental. To be angry at yourself. To be "realistic" and "educated" though it means diminishing your dreams and aspirations. To clam up and avoid communicating with loved ones.

So to bring out the inner child in all of us, I'd like to share a few gems I discovered over the weeks. I hope it makes you laugh as much as it made me laugh/smile.

1. One of the many things I am obsessed with right now is The Bachelorette. Maybe it's the thrill of seeing drama happen to other people--outside of my personal life--that is relieving or maybe it's just the shock that people would put themselves through such an experience. But after seeing Jimmy Kimmel's rendition, I'm sticking with the babies on this one. Needless to say, I watched ALL five episodes. 

2. Baby pictures all over Facebook and Instagram. The best part about having married friends is all the baby pictures that are sneaking onto social media. I never get bombarded by baby pictures---> babies are simply too perfect to stop obsessing over. 

Twin babies are the cutest:)

3.  Mr. Old St. Nicholas Homer (Aka, Santa!) Since I don't have any babies of my own (or even near me), I manage to entertain myself. I couldn't resist:)


  1. Beautiful post. So very well written! I love your realization and the three things you included. I found myself laughing out loud on the third one again...I have seen it so many times but it is still so funny to me that you created that look-alike collage! And of course, I m obsessed with the twin pic you included and Wesley's lisp! ;)

  2. haha number 3 is the best. And you are the best, Chels! You've got your head on straight and your heart in the right place, so i don't doubt for a second that everything will work out the best for you.

    And I'm so glad you blogged again:)
