Monday, January 17, 2011

Banana Pita!

The days are long to me but the weeks just fly by. I feel like I have been here for ages but in reality its only been a day short of two weeks. I love it here. We are all getting into more of a rhythm as we began classes, field trips and free Sundays. I am still adjusting to the wonderfully prepared Mediterranean food (spices are a little funky) but the pita bread is divine. I eat a peanut butter/ chocolate nutella filled pita once, most often twice every meal. On very special occasions they have bananas-which in that case I add a little more flavor by putting sliced up bananas into the collection of goodness. I love it and have converted a few followers to this divine treat. Oh and big news....I may or may not have found a bigger Celine Dion fan than my obsessive self. His name is Spencer. He is absolutely hysterical. He owns all of her songs on itunes, makes up interpretive videos to her most powerful ballads, and has been to her concert. This boy is legendary. Haha but we shall have a duel soon enough.
The classes here are wonderful. Honestly I feel like a sponge trying to absorb a waterfall. It is just too much but too good to stop wanting more. I love to learn. This trip has taught me the power of education. All of these wonderful places are exotic and beautiful but it has been pointed out to me that without knowledge, none of this would be as spiritual and sentimental as it had been thus far. Knowing the stories and people in the scriptures allow for a deeper more appreciative understanding of all the incredible sites we get to see. I love this. I honestly feel inadequate when it comes to doctrine. I feel however, well equipped with the strength to learn and not be discouraged. In fact when I don't know or understand something (which happens a lot I may tell you) I get a feeling of passion and curiousity rather than discouragement because I want to learn. I don't want something wonderful and magnificent to pass me by because I don't fully understand a concept. Therefore questions are key. I ask lots of questions. I have learned to get over the pride/fear issue by simply asking. I am grateful the people here are so patient and willing to answer my questions, it definitely makes this quest for knowledge much easier. I love it. I love to learn and I know by the end of this trip the knowledge I gain will be rewarding and something I can treasure for the rest of my life.
The people here are wonderful. I love to see the many diverse cultures and religions. I enjoy witnessing how other people worship and perceive God. We all went on a field trip last friday to the Western Wall. It was so beautiful. There were many men and women praying, reading the Quran, dancing, and sobbing. There were many mixed emotions but yet they were all in unity at the same time. The Jews know how to party. The men on the left side of the wall were going crazy and letting themselves go, literally. There were men on each others shoulders just dancing and having a blast. The women were a little more quiet and reserved, though there were some groups who were also enjoying themselves quite a bit. The farther away we went from the wall the louder the women (as well as men) became. A group of girls and I just joined into random singing and dancing. I felt like it was a combination of girls camp/EFY, Jewish style. It was really fun. They were all so warm and welcoming to us. I am grateful for their example of kindness and acceptance.
Yesterday a large group of students went to play soccer at a random park in West Jerusalem. We all took a bus and went to one of the coolest parks I have ever seen. The weather was beautiful and perfect for playing outside. It felt so good to get out of the center and away from the city for a brief moment to just enjoy the weather and atmosphere.  We all played on an old soccer/basketball court. It was really fun because all of the students here are wicked good at soccer. I love soccer but the option came up to run. So of course I chose the latter of the two. A small group of girls and I went around this beautiful park. It has been a good three weeks since I have purposefully went on a run, so today was the perfect opportunity and oh how I love those endorphins. I am destined when I grow up to live near a park. It doesn't matter if its in a busy city or suburb, a public park is necessary. While running, we ran into an outdoor gym. It was CRAZY! All of the machines were identical to any machine found in an average American gym except the fact they were metal, brightly colored, and included no weights. You just lifted or benched or pushed your own weight. I don't think I can fully express how cool, unique it was but hopefully I will have time to run to Hebrew University for a second to put upload pics. We then did abs and a little yoga. Girls day at the park=golden!
We all just got back from a field trip to Jericho about an hour ago. It was absolutely wonderful. We saw Herod's winter palace, the Mount (general area) of Temptations, the area of the Good Samaritan (Wadi Quelt), Elisha's spring, and many ancient ruins. It was wonderful and I will make a seperate blog about this field trip with pictures because my writing cannot fully express how beautiful it was.
I love it here and I love anyone who would take a moment to read this silly blog of mine. Thank you for your support and love. In a place of constant change and stress, find the something you love (if you haven't already). Whether it be running or a banana pita-for the simple joys in life truly have greater purposes.


  1. My dad's old boss is Jewish and I thought they just prayed all the time... Haha, cool to see they have a party side! It sounds like a rockin' time, Chelsea! Those sights must be incredible to actually see. Good luck in your duel with Spencer. What a great name... Have an awesome day, Chels!

  2. Spencer!! How are you? Chase told me you were his mission prep teacher is that true? If so, he couldn't ask for a better teacher. I hope your internship is going well and your family is happy. Hey Spence you should give me your email so I can hear about your life eh? Thanks for reading, have a great day too!

  3. Chels!!! I love you blog!!! You are such a good, personable writer, it makes me feel like I am just talking to you with Lise, Brenda,and Rach sitting nearby! You are the best! Keep having fun!

  4. I'm doing wonderful! Yes, I just got called last week, and I'd love any advice from you. I just got accepted to teach at the MTC, too, so we'll see how that goes... My email is I hear the olive trees are pretty sweet. Will you take a picture of one for me? Keep up the amazing work there and I'll talk to you soon, Chelsea!

  5. Oh Kris I miss you and the 108 gang! Thanks for keeping an eye on me. I have been reading up on your blog as well. Darling! Dan says you guys are having a blast. I am so happy to have such wonderful, supportive friends like you! Keep living the dream back in Provo. By the way cute picture with you, Lise and Mark's kilt:)

  6. Hey Spence I tried to email you but it won't let me. This may be a silly question but are you sure thats your email?

  7. Hmmm, I think so... There's just one 'r' in it- You can send me yours and I will shoot you an email if it doesn't work. Have a breathtakingly brilliant time in Egypt Chelsea!

  8. I think so... There's only one 'r' in it- If it doesn't work, you can give me yours and I'll shoot you an email. Have a brilliantly breathtaking time in Egypt Chelsea! Interesting that that was the escape ground for Joseph, Moses, and the Savior.
