Saturday, January 22, 2011

Egypt here we come!

Today has been a great day. Sabbath is always a wonderful day. Sacrament meeting is always a beautiful adventure. The students here are stellar, therefore the talks are wonderfully prepared. The view isn't too bad either...I don't think I will ever get used to the large glass windows overlooking the city where Christ lived.
I have been out of YWs for a year and a half and now I am back in. I have been called to be a young women's advisor. I met the four beautiful girls for the first time today. Three of the four live in the building because their parents are faculty. I love it! I love girls (for that is all I have known) and so being in YWs is comfortable. Honestly purity just radiates from all of these darling girls...can you see my excitement!?! I am blessed!
 After church we went to the Garden of Gethsemane. It is beautiful and full of Olive trees. I read about the suffering and agony that took place in this sacred garden from Talmage's, Jesus the Christ. Jerusalem is amazing. I am sorry I cant post pictures right now, otherwise I would post a beautiful picture of an olive tree or the sunset or smiling BYU faces. Honestly, I am starting to understand why I am here. I want to soak everything up while I can. All of these students here have been gathered from all over the place (mentally and physically) into this beautiful center. We are all here together for a reason. It is beginning to sink in that I am living here. I often feel this is just a vacation but in reality we are students living here. It is up to us what we get out of this experience. Being away from home, in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by studs (Brock) (both students and faculty), constantly being spiritually uplifted is a learning experience. I am learning more about myself and what I want to become. Today, I have had many personal confirmations that I am here for a reason.
Oh another wonderful experience this week is the humanitarian activity on friday. I love service. We made hygiene kits for two hours on friday. I was called to lead this humanitarian group of joy along with Brother and Sister Bentley(who are so sweet and fun grandparents to us wild, crazy kids). There is a wonderful committee and all of the students here are so excited to serve. Jared, the DJ of the day, was SO hysterical and fun. Music soothes the soul and it turned into a large dance party. Service+music=GOODNESS!
Now we are off to EGYPT! We depart tomorrow morning. I am so excited. Riding camels, boating down the nile and visiting pyramids. YA GIRL! We have had orientations, meetings, and mass emails stressing over the water and sanitation issues in Egypt. After all the meetings we then had a meeting not to be too anal. haha it just makes me laugh.
Water, diarrhea, "squatty toilets," don't matter Egypt is going to ROCK!!


  1. Crazy, Chels! Have fun in Egypt, and cherish a camel for me!

  2. CHELS!I can tell you are having the time of your life. Saying you are having so much seems like an understatement.:) I can see your personality shining through your blog and I can't help but laugh and be so excited for you. i love you so much!
