Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hezekiah's Tunnel

It all started with an abrubt phone call at seven thiry Monday morning. My roommates and I were just wandering aimlessly around the apartment, doing our morning routine of incoherent conversation and lots of laughing. The phone call was from the security desk.
Security JC:"Are you coming on the field trip?"
Me: "Yes...?"
Security JC: "Well they are leaving you right now!"
Me: "WHAT!?!"
Frantic hang up. Scream. Panic with roommates. Shove everything and anything in a bag and run out the door with an empty stomach, bed head, and a passion to go to Hezekiah's tunnel. This is officially the second time I have almost been left by the field trip bus...I am a very lucky girl.
Monday was a day I looked forward to since the beginning of this study abroad. Water, swimsuit, dark tunnel, head lamp, and lots of fun! What more could you ask for? 
Hezekiah's Tunnel was so wonderful. All the girls wore long dresses with swimsuits underneath because when we got to the tunnel we were able to strip down into bball shorts and swimsuits in order to truly and fully enjoy the water experience.
We sang loudly and boistfully throughout the tunnel. It was built in order to better distribute the water to the ever expanding City of David. It is about 1750 feet long full of knee-high deep water. I love how this tunnel illustrates the history coorelated both between my Old Testament class and my Ancient Near Eastern studies class about the archeological sites and biblical history.
I loved it, I loved it, I loved it!

 Victoria and I at the pool where Christ healed the blind man in the New Testament located after the tunnel.

 Here we are learning about an ancient home built against the outer walls of the city.

 Entering the beloved Hezekiah's Tunnel.

 Jess and I inside the tunnel with our darling headlamps.

 A little mosh pit inside the tunnel. It was so crowded with people I love.

Emerging from the tunnel a little wet, a little cold, and mostly full of pure bliss.


  1. That is so awesome! I love your posts, sometimes I can almost imagine being there. How wonderful!
