Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Temporary Home

These are just a few random shots of us roamin the Old City and attending activities held in the JC. Although I love the planned field trips and scheduled activites, some of my favorite moments have been simply relaxing and venturing around Jerusalem. I love the freedom and the peace I feel when wandering aimlessly around the small side streets of the Old City without a care in the world. It is fun to get lost and explore. There is so much to see and so little time. We (the students) try to take advantage of every moment and opportunity available to us. The Old City is never a waste of time because there is always something to be learned around every corner. These are just a few of the many adventures within the walls of this historical city we now call home:

Cats, cats, oh ya more cats. We all made friends with this little guy. What a little charmer he was.

Just chillin in the Old City! Sprite never tasted so good.

These are two of my favorite boys outside Orson Hyde Memorial Garden. Oh how they make me laugh...
With all the hustle and bustle it is often nice to stop and smell the roses. The flowers are beginning to bloom and it is BEAUTIFUL!
This is the Shuk or market place. The colors are fabulous. The people are friendly. The food is great.
For young womens this week I taught about eternal families. Our motto: "Find the right Hubba and make him last."
Arab Night.

We learned about the Call to Prayer, ate traditional Arabic food, and learned an Arabic dance which eventually turned into a crazy mosh pit...oh silly Americans.

This is our Arabic teacher, Ayman. He is honestly the most hysterical man alive I am convinced.
 I really struggle learning the material because I am too distracted by his crazy facials and quick tendency to pop (or should I say demolish) any "space bubbles" anyone may have had.

I love being here with Rach, my best friend.

Many times we need to take breaks from all the walking. This is a common sight by the time lunch rolls around.
Enjoying the Western Wall.
Our relationship in a nut shell. Haha I love these girls...and Brock.


  1. Hey Chels! I like your angry picture... You seriously are having anyone's dream experience, and it's fun to read about. You make people (me at least) excited just listening to you talk, and are probably going to have to take a lot of people on tours there. Coach West says you guys are amazing. Me too. (She didn't say I was amazing, but I say you guys are.) Have a ravishingly remarkable day!

  2. when you guys get back, you're going to have to wear the cloths from "Arab night".....everywhere...maybe even to champ.
