Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dome of the Rock

Apparently I have caused some scare as to why I have disappeared off the face of this earth. To all my fellow friends and family I am sorry I have not been so faithful on updating my blog. I have so much to say and so little time to say it. We just got back from Galilee and Eilat and a crazy week of fieldtrips in the Old City. I seriously cannot remember a time I have been this happy. Thank you again family for loving and supporting me.

Before I begin to express the joy I have experienced this past week, I must reflect back to before Galilee and finals. I must express the joy I experienced when I visited the 
Dome of the Rock.

Throughout this semester we have focused again and again on the Temple mount. With the destruction of the two temples, this sacred mount has been an issue of controversary throughout Jerusalem's history. Surprisingly it has taken me quite some time to actually get over to this sacred area and explore the grounds of this temple mount which now contains the Dome of the Rock.

Words cannot even begin to express the wonderment of this place. Although it is breathtaking from afar, it is absolutely gorgeous up close. While wandering around this beautiful structure I felt peace and joy. The sun was shining, children were laughing and playing soccer, tourists from all over the world were gathered around to see the glory of this holy place. It was one of those "out of body experiences" where it feels as though I was just a fly on the wall, watching the world move on around me.

I love these moments.
I absolutely love the Dome of the Rock.

 Just the dome and I.

 There is nothing like the sight when the sun reflects off this gorgeous gold dome.

Rach, Jess, and I at the Dome.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful, gorgeous, unbelievable - both the sight and you girls. LOVE ya, Aunt Net
